Monday, June 15, 2009

OK, OK, I'm back on Twitter

I'll be at the 2009 Semantic Technology Conference this week and will be twittering on @prototypo.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Freemix is Live!

Freemix is live in invitational Beta. Come check it out!

We at Zepheira will officially introduce it to the SemTech crowd next week and to the press on Tuesday.

You can see my profile on


Monday, June 01, 2009

Musicians and Coders

Bernadette recently gave me a CD (yeah, really, not an iTunes gift card! She's very quaint.) by Jeremy Pelt, a fantastic jazz trumpeter. In the inside cover of November, he says, "Our greatest responsibility as musicians is to live and grow... then, you might play something hip!"
