Friday, April 29, 2005

Tiger is Here!

My copy of Mac OS X 10.4 ("Tiger") just arrived by FedEx. It looks awesome. Unfortunately, I am off for a long weekend with my family in under an hour. Let's see. OS. Hmmm. This is harder than it should be...

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Speaking Engagements for May 2005

May looks to be a busy month! I'm only taking two trips (Japan and The Netherlands), but will have multiple speaking engagements in each place. Here's the list:

WWW 2005 in Chiba, Japan:

  • 10 May, 10:50-12:20. Panel, "Can the Semantic Web be Made to Florish?" (convener).

  • 13 May, 10:30-12:00. W3C Session on the Semantic Web. I will be presenting some information on existing SemWeb applications.

  • 13 May, 16:30-18:00. Questions & Answers to the W3C Members and Team.

  • 14 May, time TBD (morning). Kowari demonstration at the Dev Day.

The Gilbane Conference on Content Management in Amsterdam, The Netherlands:

Vrije University Amsterdam:

  • 26 May, time TBD (afternoon). Seminar on a SemWeb topic to be determined.

XTech 2005 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands:

  • 27 May, 09:45-10:45. Paper presentation: "Kowari: A Platform for Semantic Web Storage and Analysis" (written with Paul Gearon and Tom Adams). A preprint is available here.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Doxygen for Kowari v1.1

I have been playing with the generation of software relationship graphs (collaboration- or call-graphs) for Kowari. I have pretty much decided to use Doxygen and GraphViz to generate them. Along the way, I generated Doxygen documentation for Kowari v1.1, thinking that others may find it useful.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Preserving XHTML 2.0 Link Relationships in HTTP

Those who know me understand (and learn to live with) my insistence that the Semantic Web will not flourish until simple means to use it are put in the hands of HTML authors. I have tried again to push this viewpoint through a paper I just submitted to Extreme Markup Languages 2005. The basic idea is to pass the link relationship information from XHTML 2.0 via HTTP headers, thereby preserving that information for processing by a Web server. An RDF triple may thus be formed at the Web server from the REFERER information, the link relationship and the link requested.

I don't plan to publish the paper until it is accepted somewhere, but I will be glad to give a copy to anyone who asks me directly.

Star Wars: Revelations

Wow. I just saw the professional-grade fan movie Star Wars: Revelations (Direct download: here). We often talk about the PC Revolution and how big corporations no longer have the lock on large creative works, but I was very impressed. The movie is 47 minutes long and was made in and around Washington, DC by volunteers.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005


I was utterly stunned today to hear that the President of the United States of America said that the Social Security System was broken and required repair because it was backed by US bonds instead of cash. This was according to an NPR newscast. Wow. The President thinks that US bonds are just paper? The only security backed by the very existence of the US Government? It is not that I am liberal. I'm not even a Democrat. It is just that such a thought is, um, stupid...

Where does G.W. Bush think your money goes when you put it into a bank? Does he think it sits there, in cash? Or just maybe does he realize that it gets circulated, including investments in bonds?

For those of you who think this is an anti-Bush blog, my advice is to wait until the next Democratic president does something stupid. I'll coment on that, too :)

TKS/Kowari Non-Commenting Source Statements

TKS/Kowari NCSS,
originally uploaded by prototypo.
This image shows the Non-Commenting Source Statements (NCSS) for the TKS and Kowari projects from 2002-2004.

TKS versions 1.0 and 1.1 are shown together under the TKSv1 label. TKS versions 2.0 and 2.1 are shown together in the accumulated bar graph to the right.

Non-Commenting Source Statements differ slightly from Source Lines of Code (SLOC). SLOC counts physical lines (and is therefore more impacted my formatting), whereas NCSS counts source statements regardless of formatting. So, NCSS will always be less than or equal to SLOC for a given code base.

NCSS for TKS/Kowari was generated using JavaNCSS for Java files only.