Tuesday, May 03, 2005

More Tiger Problems

Can anyone get iSync 1.5 to work in Tiger? It just crashes for me. I also lost the ability to print to my home printer, an HP Officejet d145 reached via JetDirect socket (the dreaded Error -9672). Grrrr.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I can sync, though on the first attempt iSync refused to talk to the phone. Apple help suggested closing down the program and trying again. This worked, but I felt like I was running Windows...

    However, I just discovered tonight that I can't print to my printer anymore. It's an Epson R310 sitting on a Linux server. There is no CUPS driver for this, but on 10.3 it was possible to talk to the printer as a generic Photo Stylus. I guess now I'll have to plug directly into the USB when I want to print.
